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あゆね 'YURA'

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Interview With Tora Alice Nine SHOXX Vol. 171

What do you think these days as you’re living?

Recently I don’t think about anything. Not good.(laugh) Before I was thinking about lots of things, and I’m not thinking about anything now, which is maybe a reaction to that? I only think about our band. Now I can do what I want to do, so I don’t have to think about other things, nor need to worry. When I was a teenager, I was always worrying about things.

What did you worry about?

Well, about everything.(laugh) I didn’t understand the meaning of going to school or study, like “Why do I have to go? Why do I have to do this?”. I hated everything that was pre-determined like school, because it was not my will, and I couldn’t understand the meaning why I would have to go, so I felt that I wasted my time and rebelled against it very much. Now I think everything is necessary, even if I do something not concerning about our band directly, so I don’t have anything to doubt nor worry anymore.

You now think that because you turned your former experiences into advantages.

Maybe. Now I can be a member of alice nine. because I met Shou.

Do you feel like your life is restrained by something invisible and cosmic?

I don’t feel restrained. I believe in fate more than before. I feel like everything is connected to alice nine.. Since I started alice nine. I had various experiences of defeat, failure and reflection, but all of them were going in a good direction for me, that’s why I feel like that.

Yes. Like that, your meeting with a guitar is also fate or destiny so to speak.

Yes. I really think it was destiny, because I met the guitar and rock, which was sudden. In my 6th grade of elementary school, my friend bought a guitar, since then my rock life started as I was forced to be a band member.(laugh) There weren’t members, and my friend said “I’ll play guitar, so you’ll play bass.”, I started to play bass which my friend had. And I started to listen to BOΦWY and X JAPAN, as I was absorbed in Western music since I met metal music in junior high school. Meeting the guitar and music changed the people who I met, I think. See, people who like rock are called ‘hooligans’ (laugh), I won’t say everyone is, but many are bad and a little crooked.(laugh) Actually my friend who introduced me to the guitar in elementary school wasn’t normal at all. Usually elementary school students seem to want to buy games which cost about 1,000 yen, but he had a guitar and a bass that cost about 20,000 – 30,000 yen, which wasn’t common at all. My parents watched on TV that X-JAPAN broke a drum set, and said to me “Don’t watch!”.(laugh)

Which band did you listen to for the first time?


Wow, those are really heavy metal.(laugh) And slash kei. Why did you feel attracted to them?

In metal, guitars are big. Anyway they are fast and heavy, and their guitar sounds stand out, which shocked me.

That’s true. I was absorbed in metal too in my junior high school, so I understand you (laugh), like “Wow, what’s this!?”. At that time I didn’t know how to see the music especially like ‘The guitar riffs are….”, so it was like “That’s awesome! What’s this!”.(laugh)

Yes, yes, yes.(laugh) It was just shocking like “Wow~~, it’s so cool!!!”. Then I was totally absorbed in guitar, since then I became obsessed by it.

So you found a reason to live, so to speak?

No, not quite. I worried a lot about entering high school “Why do I have to go to high school?”.

The origin of your worrying was really about following established rules.

Yes. My parents were quite strict, especially about my studies and education. I advanced to high school and distanced myself from the guitar. I lost my confidence.

Did you loose your confidence? For the guitar?

Guitar too, in my junior high school I was crooked and tried to put on airs. I could play guitar, did quite well at school because my parents were strict, and I had enough power among my friends, so I was a little over confident. But when I entered into high school, I had seniors and I had setbacks then. I entered into a rather bad high school too, so I tried to blend in with those around me, and I always struggled.

But usually such a struggle or stress is relieved by music, right?

It wasn’t like that for me. By contrary, I stopped the guitar, and then I didn’t have any way to release stress. I was also in a group of hooligans, and I couldn’t stop going to school to keep up with them. So I was struggling for 3 years. I started playing guitar again after I graduated from high school. When I decided my future, I decided that I would play guitar properly again, and went to a collage for about 1 year, then I couldn’t feel or understand the meaning to study in school, and decided to make a band to continue playing guitar. But I couldn’t find members for about 2 years, and was irritated. I had a high ideal for my band, because I didn’t want to do my band by half, so it took me quite long time. I felt the possibility for a band when I met Shou. Until then, I was always struggling and worrying about “Is it really OK for me?”.

How did you meet Shou?

Another guitarist who played with me in a band, had played in a band with Shou before.

How did you meet the another guitarist?

A friend of mine, who played in a band in junior high school, knew a senior, who knew a junior. It was so complicated.(laugh) Now I think the meeting with the senior was also destiny. He was 2 years senior to me, and one day I was in elementary school when I was riding a bicycle, you know the ones with the basket at the front, and suddenly a senior jumped out at me and demanded my bike. He then put fallen leaves into the basket, set them alight and ran off (laugh). That was the first meeting with him. Then I entered into a junior high school, and in a school festival the senior played guitar in his band, and I said “That’s that guy!”. Then my friend who introduced me to the guitar became a friend with the senior, then we 3 became to play together.

It was such an unnatural meeting that I feel like it was rather inevitable.(laugh)

Yes.(laugh) I learnt to play the guitar from him. He was so good that he didn’t seem like a junior high school student. He aimed to make a professional band, but he died…. Well how can I say he died by an accident or a suicide. I regretted that very much. I might seem cold because I didn’t go to his funeral. Since we each started bands respectively we hardly saw each other, and I heard from others that he died. One of the reasons was his band wasn’t going well. And he was depressed. But whatever his reasons, I thought it was wrong to kill himself, so I didn’t go to his funeral. I’ve seen various people or hooligans as I was among them. Many knew the same pains from their complicated home environments, however, I was a little different from them, because I grew up in good environment with both parents lacking for nothing. But because I grew up together among them, I knew various pains and weaknesses, I think. They knew I was not the same kind of man who really knew their real pains, but they were my friend. Now I think it was also destiny to meet them. If I hadn’t of experienced all this, and been what I was in high school I wouldn’t be me now. I think that this is the period that I really become the real me.

I understand. Is there any message from the present you that you would like to extend to readers?

If the present me can look back and say something, it is that there is nothing useless in lives. Even if we think it useless, it really connects us to something, so I want you not to give up in a way. You don’t have to do things to express, but I hope you live with all your might, which I think is absolutely necessary in life.

Interview with Ruki the GazettE SHOXX Vol. 148

I heard you came here from Narita airport. Were you able to sleep in the airplane?

Well, kind of. But I still feel half asleep, though. But I’m all right.(laugh)

This time, you went to go NY to do mastering, why did you go there when you are so busy?

There was a part that we really wanted to get just right. If we did the mastering in Japan I don’t think that we would have been able to get the thickness and gloss that we wanted in our sound. So this time we worked in the famous mastering studio of Stering Sound, with an engineer Tom Coyne.

I heard Tom Coyne is a quite skillful engineer.

He usually works in hip hop and R&B, such as Beyonce and TLC. I heard he worked with Namie Amuro after he was done with us.(laugh)

You played with an engineer who isn’t in the field of rock music. Is this because in the new album [STACKED RUBBISH] after [FILTH IN THE BEAUTY] there are many songs which were mixed?

Yes, I think so. There were some who work solely in the rock field, but as we wanted to give a gloss to our music, we decided to play with a person in this field. And it turning out quite well.

Concretely how did it change?

The thickness of our sounds changed so much, and we could hear sounds which we couldn’t hear before. And they ‘sparkle’. I was so surprised. Even using the same material, how different they become. The engineer said “They became cool!” too.(laugh)

That’s great. But with your crammed schedule why did you not just send it in to be mastered like other artists?

Well, we thought that at first. But this was our first experience and we wanted to see the process with our own eyes. Actually the motivation of the engineer changes by just being there, and we heard that it’s good to make sure that he understands what we want, so I really think it was good. We learnt a lot of things.

At the same time, besides the change in mastering, is [STACKED RUBBISH] an album which has very progressive content for the GazettE?

I think so. Generally we have some regrets after we finish our albums, but this time we are quite satisfied with it.

Needless to say the sounds, the list of songs is so good in this album. Ruki, which songs did you write this time?

I wrote [AGONY], [CALM ENVY], [CIRCLE OF SWINDLER], the beginning SE [ART DRAWN BY VOMIT], and the ending SE [PEOPLE ERROR] and also all our singles until now.

So please tell me your point of view on the lyrics. Did you have many difficulties putting the words to music?

About lyrics, I write about what I usually think about. Over this past year, I started to watch the news often, so I became very interested in the real world and things happening around me, much more than unreal things.

In your previous interview, you said that you would at more ‘real’ lyrics in the next album.

Well, I could say ‘real’ or ‘simplicity’. I wanted to make lyrics so that when I saw them later I could still understand them. The result was that I wrote more bitter songs.

What are bitter songs? Actually they don’t seem so happy and rash, more serious.

They seem like dirty parts of humanity, which I could express really well from various viewpoints, such as conflict and coldness.

I see. For example, what prompt made you write [BURIAL APPLICANT]?

It is about that story, I wrote about baby posts (parents who can’t raise their children put their babies in baby posts). There have been various crimes where parents kill their children, or children kill their parents, and I expressed, using my words, how we should think about these problems.

Besides those, are there any other lyrics about such social contexts?

Maybe [CIRCLE OF SWINDLER]. I can’t say clearly here what I wrote about.(smiles bitterly)

You wrote the lyrics in English, which means “You should guess what I say.”.(laugh)

I couldn’t express in Japanese.(laugh) The point is, after we finished our live in Yokohama Arena, something happened. I wrote quite true to the facts.

Is [GENTLE LIE] also non fiction?

Ah, this story is quite real. I can’t say in too much detail but it’s a story about a couple who don’t love each other. Uh? Am I all right to say this?(smiles bitterly)

As long as you are talking about your work, there is no problem, I think.(laugh)

I know I can’t find solutions by writing about them. However, I don’t feel it difficult to sing about them. I just wrote down the facts to avoid forgetting them. So I didn’t want to use ambiguous words, nor beautify things, so I express it like this. Honestly speaking, it is about when you break up and some of the ugly things that happen. It’s definitely one of our human sides.

And this time there is a song which title is a little bit eccentric [ Ganges ni akai Bara](= a red rose in Ganges). Why did you use ‘ Ganges’?

I made the title afterwards. To be honest I didn’t care about the place. The story is a person who is absorbed in something; here it is about religion. And a person who learns the value of life and death when he/she dies. These are the lyrics from an outsider.

Is the symbol of life and death integrated into the word of ‘ Ganges’?

It seems like that. The phrase came into my mind suddenly.

By the way, what made you feel and write [AGONY]?

Well….I can’t say it’s for the fans nor listeners, but I wrote about our images which people around us have, and the feeling which we are almost crushed by them. And about the anguish that goes with that.

It is interesting that you would put a song like that first.

Well it connects up later enough. Before this song, there is SE [ART DRAWN BY VOMIT], which presents on the extended line from [FIRTH IN THE BEAUTY], because this album is about what a human vomits or spews out.

That’s why there is something so vivid there.

And at the end of the album, there is SE [PEOPLE ERROR], which seems like the word expressing this whole album. When I found this word, I felt like everything seemed to flow from it and [REGRET] connected to it too.

To think about overall, what is in this album seems to be ‘negative’ pieces.

I think so. Various emotions such as anger, sorrow, jealousy and distress are in there. I really want you read the lyrics, even if you are not able to understand them.

So, would you say that it was inevitable to put the title of『STACKED RUBBISH』on this album?

All of them also connect to there, such as degradation and vanity. Such negative things are unnecessary like garbage and trash, but they are indispensable.

And garbage is not something that is garbage from the beginning, but is mostly secondary products or something worn-out. You know, negative things are present everywhere in the world, yet in some ways they are important too. .

Yes, I think so. So that’s what you mean by『STACKED RUBBISH』.

Interview With Saga Alice Nine

I would like ask you to tell us what you are thinking these days, Saga-sama.

Oh, well, that’s a wide theme.(laugh) What do I think living these days? Hmm….Ah, is it OK if I tell you a heavy story?(laugh) Recently, I think about my parents often. Before, their presence was all too natural to think about them, but one day suddenly, our situation turned around, I used to be the one to be worried about, but now I worry about them these days.

I understand that very well. There is a time when we have to take care of them.

Yes. But from a parents’ point of view, it seems complicated. As they look at me, they think I have grown up but they also feel lonely, I think. It’s the same for me, that I feel for my parents. So for the first time, I realized that like “Ah, I’m grown up enough….”, and at the same time when I saw my shoes had became bigger than other shoes lined up at the front door I felt a little bit lonely and sad.

When did you feel that for the first time?

I felt that around in the 3rd grade of my high school for the first time. At that time, my body was growing very quickly, and my mental growth was fastest, I think.

Before, did you think “I want to grow up fast.”?

Yes. I wanted to be an adult fast. But actually I grew up and thought that, it was easier to live thinking nothing and being honest in my childhood. When I realized that to be an adult is sad like this, I changed my feeling like “I want to be child as I used to be.”.

What is your sadness when you became to be an adult?

When I lie because I feel I have to. Lies to deceive someone are not good at all, but we adults sometimes tell lies as we look around the air and think better to tell lies. When I tell such lies, I feel sad, thinking like “Where did I learn such a lie….?”, I’m always thinking about others’ feelings. I think first in my head before I say things like “If I say this, how would others feel?”. There are times when I would rather tell a lie because I think it’s better to do so, which makes me feel sad. I want to hold dear my feelings of “Why am I telling a lie?” or “Why do I need to lie?”.

Yes, I don’t know why, but we tell such lies. We find out as we grow up. At around when you wanted to be an adult, what did you think would change when you became an adult?

It’s very simple but I thought adults were cool. Musicians who I liked were adults, and I thought when I grew up I could make a cool band.

I see. So now being an adult, which part do you think was childish as you grew up?

I carelessly depended on people who guarded me, and I worried about various things.

So this part of you that worried, was your childish part?

Yes. Sometimes ‘worrying’ is important but my former worries seem to be me being soft on myself. They seem to be ‘excuses for what I can’t do’. You know, “Why I can’t do it.”. I would worry about before I ever did anything. “Maybe I can’t…” with this thinking nothing would ever get resolved, it was just on excuse.

I see. You can move forward without worrying, which sometimes brings winning because of youth. On the other hand, Adults worry about what would be in front, how others would feel if they do something, and be afraid to go ahead and stop.

Yes. If you think that way, it’s really difficult. I learnt to do things before I worry, after I had many experiences, I wouldn’t worry anymore because I became an adult who can recognize and reveal my weakness, I think. But before I had a force which I could dive in without thinking about what would happen later.(laugh) The lies which I learnt when I became an adult, eventually turn into worrying about what would happen from here on in, how others would feel if I would do so, being afraid to step ahead and stopping. I think we worry about many things at a young age. Yes, I understand that very well.(laugh)

Shou and Tora said they don’t worry anymore these days, but how about Saga-sama?

Well, I don’t worry either. Not like I don’t worry but, I can see from various angles. And as I said now, I now think there is no use to worry before you do something. Before, I used to be afraid to fail and couldn’t step ahead, but now I think I can see new things since I failed, then I don’t have to worry anymore.

So you learnt to stand up to a task before worrying?

Yes. Now I feel like another me in my mind whispers to me and says,” Do it like this!” before I worry about it.(laugh) But that needs a lot of power, before I often felt it was a hassle to make another me in my mind to do it.(laugh) For example, if I faced something needing courage, and there was no other way to go, but I didn’t have courage and worried about things so I wouldn’t have to do it. But now I can hear my inner voices and have courage, I don’t worry about it anymore.

Is it because you met alice nine., that you feel stronger?

Yes, it is. I think the environment around me influenced me a lot. If I didn’t become a member of alice nine., I wouldn’t have found the importance of people around me so much, and I wouldn’t have a sense of responsibility like I do now. I’m more an adult now because I was in an environment where I had to think. It changed me, my interests, my vocals and how I see life.

Before, when you had a conversation with a bassist in SHOXX bis, you said so too.

Yes. Before, I always thought about standing out, but now I think about supporting others from one step behind. I really think so. I didn’t have an eye to see the whole picture, but I only saw myself. I used to only see easy stuff, or things that stand out and popular things (laugh), that I wanted to be like. You know, everything was all right as long as I was all right. But now I can see those around me, and I’m interested in them, and I think that it’s cool. Since I became a member of alice nine., I have come to think “I want the band to be cool”, rather than “I want to be cool.”. I can think this because I’m in alice nine.. I think “What can I do to make the band shine brighter?”. I think this because of not only members but also fans who hold us dear, and I really thank them.

Then what advice does the present Saga-sama give to your fans, looking back over the past?

Don’t fake it, and believe in yourself. I think that this deadens your worries naturally. And don’t be afraid to fail, and face up to what you have to. If you fail, I’m sure someone will help you. I’m not saying turn to others for help, but I’m saying you are not alone. Like me, you may have times when you don’t notice other’s kindness and love. But now I think we are living because we are helped by people around us a lot, so you don’t just depend on them, and don’t forget to thank them. So you never think “I’m alone.”. In your young age, you have a delusion that you can do everything by yourself. Well…. I’m sounding like an old man.(laugh) But I really think so. I thought I could do everything by myself. But I was wrong. Even I can’t work hard without staff and fans supporting me. And you might think what your parents’ say and their very existence is annoying, but I’m sure you’ll have time to thank them and your situation will turn around, so I want you to notice this importance before it’s too late.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Jrockers that have been reported to be safe so far

Found a list of J-Rock bands listed as "OK" from the diaster in Japan which happened yesterday, now there has been an explosion at Fukushima nuclear plant causing even more mayhem :/

This list seems to be quite vague as it list the band and not each individual, but it'll have to do.


13 MUSIC (This is a label. Everyone from that label are fine.)



9mm Parabellum Bullet

Abingdon Boys School - Toshiyuki Kishi

Acid Black Cherry






An cafe – Kanon, teruki, miku, Takuya (ex-member bou is safe)


Aigis - Tenka


amber gris


Angelo - Kirito

Aoi from Ayabie

Aqua Timez


Art Cube - Z

Asian Kung-Fu Generation







Base ball bear

Black cat - Makoto

(ex) Black:List - Kyotaro


Black run

Blam honey

BLOOD – Dora, Hayato, Kiwamu

Blood Stain Child



The Brilliant Green


BugLug - Issei, Kazuki

Bugy Craxone


Calmando Qual

The Candy Spooky Theater

(ex) Canzel - All but Ruri confirmed

Chaos system - TOMO, Kyouka


Chemical Pictures (also ex member Jimi)

Chicken head - Kudai


ClearVeil – Ryuuto, Nozomi










Dagan shoujo - Shina

Danger Gang


Dear L'Novel - Kazuho



DecoLa Hopping



DIAURA - Yo-ka

Dio -Distraught Overlord - mikaru, denka, ivy, erina

Dir en grey


the Dopes

DOG in the PWO



Downer – Kagome


E'm~grief~ - Cecir


exist trace



the fool

Gackt (plus Chachamaru, Jun-ji, Ju-ken and You)




the GazettE

(ex) GHOST - Kousei



Golden Bomber





Hi:BRiD – Zero, Jill (ex member)


HYDE (Since he's in L'ac~en~ciel)



Janne da Arc


Jin (ex Hime Ichigo)

Jinkaku Radio

Jui (ex-vidoll)


Jun (ex Hime Ichigo)










Kanon Wakeshima


Lacroix Desphere

La'cryma Christi

LAGING – Orochi

Lauder - MAST, LEN

(ex) Lareine – Emiru, Kamijo


Lin -the end of corruption world-



LM.C - Aiji & Maya





lynch. (also ex member Junji is fine)


Matenrou Opera

Megaromania – Misery, Hyoga, Sui



MIEL - shin




Moi dix Mois – Seth, K





NEXX - Shikoto

NICO Touches The Wall



Number mouse - Kyohei

Oblivion Dust



Oyuugi wagamama-dan x PaRADEiS


(ex) Panic Channel - Kiri


The Piass – Takayuki


The Pillows

Plastic Tree

R-shitei – Mamo, Z, Kaede

Rabbit of Labyrinth - Teruhiko

Reivier – Jey, Makoto, Kou, Hiro

remming - Kosuke, Tomoa


QUAFF – (ex members: Hal, Shingo, Ukusemi, Takuma)


remming - Sou, Kohsuke


the Riotts



Schwein – Yam, Zin, Takeru, Hina


SCREW (ex member Yuuto as well)

Secilia Luna


Sel'm - Tsubaki



SKULL - Die, Kouta, Tetsuya



spiv states

SuG (also ex drummer Mitsuru is safe)



SWEET MADONNA - Takeru, shinnosuke, kemono

Syndrome - Tatsuya


Takanori Nishikawa (T.M.Revolution)



Tokami – Agato, K, Shige

(ex) Tokyo Shitei – Shibuya, Ren, Runchu

uchuu sentai NOIZ


UN=(XAG) – Yun, Yukihira


Ultimate Sonic - Yuu




(ex) VAJRA - L

Vallquar – Hikari, Mikoto



(ex) Velgreed - Naru

Velvet eden


(ex) Vettic - Hal



Virgil - Roa



VURNY - Hina



Xenophobia - Benjamin


Zoro - Ryuuji


(Yeh, bias towards jrock bands here before someone starts raging.)

Read more: (page down due to high traffic?)

Direct copy (this list will not be updated, please go to sites above.):

Artist Confirmed To Be Safe


Ai Cherie

Aiba Hiroki






Asari Yosuke

Aya Hirano

Ayumi Hamasaki

Ayuse Kozue

Aqua Timez


Base Ball Bear


Berryz Koubou




Crystal Kay

Da Pump member Tomo

Fukui Hiroaki





Hello! Project

Hey! Say! JUMP



Hosoda Yoshihiko

Ichihara Hayato

Inoo Kei

Inoue Waka


Hige Danshaku





Kago Ai


Kamiji Yusuke


Kato Kazuki

Kato Natsuki


Kiss my ft2

Kitano Kie

Kitayama Hiromitsu

Komatsu Ayaka

Kusumi Koharu

M-Flo member Taku Takahashi

Maeda Atsuko

Mano Erina

Matsushima Shota

Matsushige Yutaka



Miura Ryosuke

Mizushima Hiro

Monkey Majik members Maynard Plant and Blaise

Matenrou Opera

Morning Musume


Nagata Anna

Nakagawa Shoko

Nami Tamaki

Nana Mizuki


Nozomi Tsuji


Okada Yoshinori

Okamoto Rei



Orange Range member Hiroki

Pour Lui


Sato Takeru


Shaku Yumiko

Shida Mirai




Sugiura Taiyo


Suzuki Ryohei


Takahata Mitsuki

Taisuke Fujigaya

Teippe Koike

The Boss

The Takagi twins

The Touch

Utada Hikaru



W-inds member Keita Tachibana

Wentz Eiji


Yagami Ren

Young Sky

Yu Shirota


YUYA Matsushita




Daniel Vice from Stillborn Diz


Satoshi fumi

D boys

Dagan Shoujo - Shina



Jinkaku Radio


Rabbit of Labyrinth - Teruhiko

SWEET MADONNA - Takeru, shinnosuke, kemono

Syndrome - Tatsuya


isuke Asakura

Michihiro Kuroda

Kenichi Ito


Sakanoue Yousuke

Spiral Spiders,

Tetsuya Komuro

Kotani Kinya

ICO Touches the Walls

Lego big morl


Akanishi Jin

Takey and Tsubasa



Xenophobia - Benjamin


Zoro - Ryuuji


Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shelly Trip Realize / TINC

Shelly Trip Realize formed on February 14, 2003 with Sarino on vocals, Mai (舞) on guitar, Kikasa on bass, and Shion (紫音) on drums. They were quickly signed to Kreis Sequence Factory and performed live for the first time together on March 31 at the Shibuya AX.[5] Shelly Trip Realize held their first solo concert or oneman live on May 18 at the Shinjuku LOFT, and sold a demonstration CD titled Lie!! at the event. They released their first single Present on May 21. Shelly Trip Realize released several other singles throughout the first year of their existence.

2004 began with the release of their 4th single Kiss on February 11 and a 1st year anniversary live titled Valentine Day Kiss on February 14 at the Harajuku Astro Hall and the release of a special single Passion. Halfway through 2004, Kikasa decided to leave the band. His last performance was on August 13 at the solo concert Blue Vacation held at the Harajuku Astro hall. Later in 2004, Shelly Trip Realize would gain a bassist in Yuhsuke who first was a support member and joined on November 11 formally.[6] In 2004, Mai and Shion changed their names to Kenta and Takuma respectively. [7]

In the beginning of 2005, Shelly Trip Realize worked on a two-man live and released an EP with another visual kei band, Antic Cafe. The live and release were named Shelly Tic Cafe. Shelly Tic Cafe happened on January 11. The band released their first single with bassist Yuhsuke on February 14, it was named P.t. Valentine. They also released their first EP Brilliant World on March 16. This release would be followed by a two-type album release Brilliant World DX and Brilliant World EX on August 10. Their final release of 2005 was the single Darlin' released on December 7.

In 2006 they released the single Milky way☆彡 on April 19 and released a DVD nijiiro jukebox on August 16. They planned a second album release for November 22, but this release was cancelled. On October 17, Shelly Trip Realize left Kreis Sequence Factory. [8] Shelly Trip Realize announced that they were make their future plans known at their next oneman, which was in December. And on December 10, they announced that they were changing their name to Tinc.[9].

By 2007, Tinc had been signed to Moff Moff Records, a new independent label. They released Voyage on March 14, a EP limited to 1000 copies. Tinc held their two first solo lives on March 21 and on March 28.[10]. The band reissued Voyage on June 6 and held a solo event on August 21. Tinc held another two-man live on November 8 named Star Box Tinc X Masquerade at the Shibuya Boxx. Tinc released their first single under the name Tinc on December 5, it was titled Cold.[11].

Tinc announced abruptly on March 1 that they would be disbanding at their next oneman live on April 20 at the Takadanobaba AREA.[12]. The event was named A-Live: Representation and the band released their last song on CD titled Last Letter at the concert. Tinc released a A-type & B-type concert DVD of their final concert titled A-Live: Representation on July 7.[13].
