Real Name : Shiroyama Yuu (城山優) - Aoi (葵)
yama-山 - mountain/peak;
shiroyama- 城山- the citadel on the mountain.
Yuu-優- kindhearted/gentle
Aoi-葵- hollyhock flower..
Birthday Place : Mie , 20 january 1979
Blood type : A
Height : 171 cm
- He can speak 3 dialects. [Shoxx - December2003]
- His favorite season is Winter. [ Shox - December 2003]
- Sleeps with T-shirt and Jersey pants. [ Shoxx - December 2003]
- Aoi wanted to be a carpenter if he weren't a musician o_ov [Shoxx - December 2003]
-Aoi worked in a Convenience store and a Wedding Hall. [Shoxx - December 2003]
-In school he was good in home economy and was part of the baseball club. [ShoxX Bis N.1 - December 2003]
- Once he fell of the stage and accidentaly hit the face of a fan. He apologized in the blog about that. [Old Blog of the band]
- When he was in Fukuoka, he felt familiar with the dialect 'cause Fukuoka's dialect is quite similar with Kansai's dialect. [Old blog of the band]
-He went to SUMMER SONIC in 2006 (Is a festival of two or three days that happens simultaneously in Tokyo and Osaka with international and national bands.) Aoi couldn't buy what he wanted 'cause the products were all sold out and he couldn't see Metalica too. (He was looking forward to it! Poor Aoi) [Old Blog of the band]
- Take great care of his own equipment, but his house is a mess, as Reita said. [FOOL'S MATE - April 2006] (the interview is old, maybe things have changed...)
- Ruki said that when they went o Hawaii, Aoi went to surf alone. [FOOL'S MATE - April 2006]
- When he was on school, he liked to do kendo, surf and play. [FOOL'S MATE - April 2006]
- He got interested by guitar 'cause his older brother played in a cover band. One day he found a X Japan CD and heard "Kurenai". So he wanted learn and borrowed his brother acoustic guitar. His brother got tired of him playing in his room and gave him a guitar, but it was broken. That's why he had to buy his first guitar. [ESP Guitars Artists Series]
- He worked as a newspaper delivery. [Neo Genesis vol. 17]
- Started to surf when he was 18 years old and bought a car. The brother of his girlfriend also surf, so, sometimes he borrowed his surfboard. At that time, he worked in a pub at night and surf in the morning. [Neo Genesis vol. 17]
- He was dating when decided to go to Tokyo, but she didn't go with him. They broke up. Went to Tokyo only with a bag, guitar and 5.000 yen. [Neo Genesis Vol.17]
- The place where he gets more inspired to compose melodies and lyrics is in his bath. [PSC 10th Anniversary Book]
- Liver near the train line. [Aoi's Blog]
-He and Uruha delay to decide who is going to record first. (In single and album's recordings) [Aoi's blog]
- Recently, he finally bought a new handphone. [Aoi's Blog]
-Aoi 葵 means "hollyhock flower"...
-He has a radio program, called 'Hollyhock Radio on FM AICHI
- he admitted his very first memory is about a place they often went out with his relatived to dinner [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- as a child he wanted to be a bike racer [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- most of the members told him that he's like a fox [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- He said he's rival is his father [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- His favorite pick up line: I like you! (in his dialect) [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- habit: playing with his sideburns [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- He said there's no food he doesn't like [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- He said he doesn't have a fridge O.o - I just can't believe it [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- Stage drink: water [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- Liked type: Someone he can laugh with/ disliked type: A tempre mental person [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- He totally afraid of ghosts, he doesn't really like places which looks like there's one. [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- After lives he always gargle [100 QUESTIONS - SHOXX BIS]
- He would tell his girlfriend if she doesn't look good.:) [musiQ vol13]
- He doesn't want a girl who's always next to him 24/7. He prefers independent women and has to have a job, and be strong - willed. :D [musiQ vol13]
- At his parents' place there's everything about Gazette (magazines, posters, his mom collects all of these stuffs) [musiQ vol13]
- Aoi loves his stomach. He said when he goes back to his parents there are always a lot of food, and it makes him very happy. (And we all know he still couldn't get over the fact, when they were in Germany, there weren't any food in the backstage, and he bothered Reita to go out to eat - Reita's radio)
- He said all the members are quite shy in the band [musiQ vol13]
also, he did surf, and he could swim about kilometres in the sea, and when he was young , he did this daily.
when he was teenager , he was very lazy...[ and now it's hardworking, that's awesome]
he decided to come to Tokyo, when saw the performance of some VK band, and thought he could much better. next day, he was on train to Tokyo. he had to break up with his girlfriend when came to Tokyo, and he said that he realizes : that girl didn't deserve him.
he doesn't watch tv at all.
His favourite season is winter
Aoi has two lip piercings (although he normally only wears on lip ring), one piercing on his right ear and two on his left ear
Luna Sea ~ The band that influenced all of the Gazette members...apart from Aoi...because he said lots of bands have influenced him
Runny nose ~ On stage, Aoi always checks to make sure he doesn't have a runny nose =3
Sideburns ~ Aoi has a habit of playing with his x]
- has a belly button ring
- the oldest member in gazette
- he likes Vivenne Westwood
- got kissed by Uruha during the Yokohama live.
- has to sleep on the guest bed when he goes home to visit his parents
- he wears the clothes that fans send him
- he wanted to be a pro motorcycle driver when he was younger
- does kendo.
- he likes to play video games
- started playing the guitar because of his brother
- likes surfing
- loves strawberries
- is very courteous to anyone who visits his house (ie. offers drinks, food, etc)
- strongest subject in school was Home Economics.
- his favorite colors are black and white
- uses mouthwash after lives.
- stopped dying his hair after being in gazette for a while
- often smokes
- likes to drink coffee
- he speaks Kansai-ben
- he was in a baseball club at school
- compares himself with a fox.
- favorite phrase; '' No. ''
- wears Bvlgari cologne
- likes to wear dangly stuff during lives because it gives him more energy
- says a lot of 'mmmm...' and 'nn...'s when he speaks.
- is a meticulous planner, scheduler and likes to adhere strictly to his daily schedule
- Aoi loves Mika Nakashima. He listens to her songs whenever he feels sad.
Previous band info :
Melville [棗, Natsume]
Artia [葵, Aoi]
the GazettE [葵, Aoi ]
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