・ This is an interview inspired by the new alicenine. Single. .
First, about ‘CROSS GAME’. Speaking of games, do you play any? What is your favorite game?
Tora: GTA
Hiroto: Yes I do. Lemmings 2.
Saga: Yes, I do. Metal Gear Series
Nao: I haven’t played any games recently, so I want to hear your recommendations.
★ From the title, ‘【atmosphere】’: What is something that you need to have, much like how the world needs an atmosphere?
Show: music
Tora: Cigarettes
Hiroto: It’s water.
Saga: Of course, it’s love
Nao :Dreams!
★ from ‘夢幻/Mugen –electric eden-‘. When you imagine Eden, what kind of Eden do you think of?
Tora: my home
Hiroto: Concerts.
Saga: Of course, it’s concerts
Nao: A place without war
・ Please tell us your impressions of the artists on PSC who will appear during the event in a few words.
Show: Big… For everything
Tora: Senpai (“senior”, often used for someone who has been in an occupation longer than the person speaking.)
Hiroto: the artist
Saga: entertainer
Nao: unique
Show: Big brother
Tora: Senpai
Hiroto: stoic
Saga: beauty
Nao: beauty
Show: Gods of “Monster Hunter”
Tora: Senpai
Hiroto: miraculous
Saga: powerful
Nao: sun
the GazettE→
Show: healthy
Tora: Senpai
Hiroto: live band
Saga: they go their own way
Nao: black diamond
Show: beauty
Tora: Kohai (junior)
Hiroto: aggressive
Saga: cool
Nao: Men
Tora:Kohai (junior)
・ Please tell us about things that have happened between you and the other PSC artists, if you have any such stories.
Show:We went on a national tour with Kagrra.
Tora:We had the PSC tour with the other artists.
Hiroto:We were playing DS with everybody during the PSC tour.
Saga:We’ve played “Monster Hunter” together.
Nao: I had a tears party with Notti from Kra(laughs).
・ Please give a heartwarming message to PS COMPANY, who celebrates its 10th anniversary this year!
Show:Be happy from 10 years from now
Tora:Give it your best
Hiroto:Be big together.
Saga:Let’s continue on together.
Nao:Go for your 20th!!
・ What do you imagine when you think of the phrase '10 years'?
Show:20 years
Tora:10 years ago
Saga:turning point of the era
・ What were you like 10 years ago?
Show:I was taking classes
Tora:Not much different from right now
Hiroto:Nothing has changed
Saga: I was cute
Nao:I was a student.
・ What do you want to say to yourself back then?
Show:Don’t sleep
Hiroto:I have nothing to say.
Saga:practice more
Nao:”Start drums ASAP”
・ Do you have anything you would do, if you could go back to 10 years ago?
Show:Don’t wanna go back (smile)
Tora:Don’t wanna go back
Hiroto:I want to see the future
Saga:nothing special
Nao:Play drums intensely
・ Please tell us ‘what has changed’ and ‘What hasn't changed’ since 10 years ago.
‘Things that haven’t changed’
Tora:I really don’t think something has changed
Hiroto:considerable spirit
Saga:loving music
Nao:my dream
‘Things that have changed’
Tora:[no reply]
Hiroto:surrounding circumstances
Saga:my daily rhythm
Nao:my will
・ On the contrary, 10 years from now. What do you want the world to be like?
Show:I want there to be a consumption tax lower than 10%
Tora:I want cars to fly.
Hiroto:I want it to be filled with music.
Nao:I want nothing to be changed.
・ Please tell us about a dream that you want to have come true in the next 10 years.
Show:wipe out . from alicenine.
Tora:I just want to live
Hiroto:meet the edge (U2)
Saga:to continue
Nao:I want to strain my abdominal and back muscles.
・ Please give a message to the other members 10 years from now.
Show:good work
Tora:I made a song!
Hiroto:Let’s make good music
Saga:you’re old
Nao:We’ve grown up!!
・ Please give a message to your fans 10 years from now.
Show:It’s been 10 years
Tora:Here we go. we’re alicenine.
Hiroto:Don’t forget rock 10 years from now.
Saga:Do you still love us?
Nao:Thank you for following us
Let me ask about you!
・ What is the focus of your fashion this winter? Also, what kind of girls’ fashion do you like?
Show:Straw hat
Tora:leather. For girls, skirts
Hiroto:It’s leather. For girls, I like leggings.
Saga:nothing special. / Anything is OK as long as it looks nice on her
Nao:black / Anything is OK as long as it looks nice on you!!
・ Which country or place do you want to visit on your own?
・ It’s cold in Japan in winter.. What do you want to eat during the cold winters?
Show:Mandarin oranges
Tora:nabe (a kind of stew prepared in a single pot at a table)
Saga:Oden (a stew made of vegetables, dumplings, and a thin soy broth).
Nao:Oden, Miso ramen
・ Please tell us your favorite thing out of everything you’ve bought lately!
Tora:a ring
Hiroto:ring from velvet lounge
Saga:AC/DC T-shirts
Nao:air purification system
・ What kind of people are the members of alicenine. Offstage?
Please describe each person in few words, like “He is like ○○!”
Everyone is goofy.
Tora: animal
Saga: lonely (laugh)
・ Among all the members, who
1. do you think the most popular member among girls is?
2. do you want to have a date with?
3. is the most like a baby?
4. is the best at Janken (rock-paper-scissors)?
* The members did Janken-- Show and Hiroto answered their rank.
1. Ono-kun (one of the staff members)
2. Ono-kun
3. Ono-kun
4. Where did you rank?
2nd (as expected)
1. Hiroto-sama
2. Myself
3. Hiroto
4. Hiroto
1. Everyone seems popular among girls
2. No one special
3. Myself
4. Where did you rank?
Number 1!!
1. Hiroto-san
2. Myself
3. Hiroto
4. I’m just bad at it
1. Mr.Hiroto
2. “…..”
3. Mr.Hiroto
4. Nao. I always win!!
・ Please send a message to your fans outside Japan!
Show: Thank you for supporting us from where we can’t see or it’s difficult to see for us. We’ll do our best to bring you closer, no matter how distant you are..
Tora: I’ll be coming to see you soon.
Hiroto: Please love Japanese rock more and more. And keep loving music and rock..
Saga: I’m sure we’ll come to see you!
Nao; We long for global communication!!
Thank you, alicenine.!
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