The visual-kei club event 'Viju☆Love☆Night#001' was a success! Thank you for participating! We had a lot of fun!
The DJs for this event were SHOXX Chief Editor Pokkun, the photographer 'Kyosho [巨匠; grandmaster]' Miyawaki, SARINO, Aicle. (愛狂います。) member Emiru, the duo stmk (TV Saitama 'HOT WAVE' director Ms. Ohara (Obara) + Tower Records Shinjuku's Ms. Suzuki) and me, Oshima. We had a fun time choosing a unique and wide variety of songs! Since it was an event held at a club, we mainly chose songs that will get the audience fired up. But still it was really interesting to see how the songs we each picked were quite different depending on our personalities. Details of the event have been posted on the online version of 'Rock 'n' Roll Diary' (http://www.esp.ac.jp/oshima/) and the complete song list is shown at http://ameblo.jp/vijulovex. Please go check it out!
It was the first time I met SARINO-kun and Emiru-kun. Both have always said that they're great fans of visual-kei music. We instantly became friends because the songs they liked were very similar to my tastes, and I also found out that we went to the same high school. After we each took our turns disk-jockeying we continued to talk backstage. We joined Pokkun during his turn and made everyone on the dance floor get fired up. We capped off the event with '紅 / Kurenai' (X JAPAN) and 'WISH' (LUNA SEA).
Our Pokkun was well prepared for the event. Before the event started he practiced using the DJ equipment at the club, and also brought along some remixes of his own. He was very good at getting the crowd moving. Among the DJs he was the only one who used the microphone. We had a blast!
When he arrived he was not so much downcast as baffled by how his computer malfunctioned. For the first 7, 8 minutes of the interview he talked mostly about that accident. He seemed to be truly shocked. We (as in everyone who was there) all know how depressing it is to lose the data you've worked on so hard due to a computer glitch. The best we could do was to warmly welcome him.
Month/Date X/X
DOG inThe Parallel World Orchestra and heidi. appeared as guests in the TV program 'HOT WAVE'. The recording was conducted in front of a live audience. We usually go over the details of the program an hour before the actual recording. But then we got word that Kosuke-kun might be very late. According to the other members, "We checked Kosuke's Twitter page and it seems he's really anxious." But fortunately they also said that he will make it to the studio on time. That was a relief. He is good at talking in front of a camera on the fly, so unless there's something very important that he should know beforehand, he probably will have no trouble. So for that broadcast Kosuke-kun appeared on TV completely unrehearsed. During the program Nao-kun dropped the bomb by revealing that Kosuke-kun had been late! After the recording Kosuke-kun deeply bowed and apologized to everybody (laugh).
As I said, the other guest artist was DOG inThe Parallel World Orchestra. Junjun-kun has a unique personality bordering on the eccentric, so I had a lot of fun. During the meeting before the broadcast he was quiet, so I never expected him to be so funny. I was quite surprised when he changed all of a sudden in front of the camera.
Month/Date X/X
I went to see a THE KIDDIE concert at AX. After the concert the members and staff got together to have a few drinks. I met their producer On-chan (of JUDY AND MARY, JACKS`N`JOKER, PRESENCE). I often talked about him during interviews with various artists, but it was the first time in 2 or 3 years to meet him face to face. The last time was when PRESENCE held their reunion concert. The very first time we had met was before he had made his debut as PRESENCE, so how many years ago had that been? One of the THE KIDDIE members said "We've worked with him (On-chan) ever since I was 22." So it must have been a long while ago (laugh). Yusa-kun and Yudai (Yuhdai)-kun told me "In the online version of 'Rock 'n' Roll Diary' you've mentioned that today's concert will be held at C.C.Lemon [instead of AX]." Whoops, sorry! But I was happy to know that they were reading my diary. I need to be careful from now on!
SHOXX Vol.213 November the GazettE, MUCC, SID, Nightmare w/ 5 Posters and Book in Book Special
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